Engineering center

Completed projects

Oligomers plant. Node C 10 for purifiying fractions from amines
23.01.2017 |
No category

Oligomers plant. Node C 10 for purifiying fractions from amines

Engineeering Center GOChS "BASIS" performed the following works for the facility "Oligomers plant. Node C 10 for purifiying fractions from amines"" - Development of STU SMES; - Development of SMES working documentsl - Supply of equipment; - Construction and installation works. Customer: PAO "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" Plant for the production of oligomers...
Morozov Children's Clinical Hospital, the new building
23.01.2017 |

Morozov Children's Clinical Hospital, the new building

Engineering Center GOChS "BASIS" performed the following works for the facility "Construction of a new building for Morozov Children's City Clinical Hospital (medical building for 500 beds)": - Development of SMES STU; - SMES design documentation; - Development of SMES working documents; - Delivery of equipment; - Construction and installation...
Yakutskaya State District Power Plant-2
23.01.2017 |

Yakutskaya State District Power Plant-2

Engineering Center "BASIS" perfomed the following works for the facility "Yakutskaya State District Power Plant-2":- - SMES working documents development,- Delivery of equipment,- Construction and erection works. Customer: АО "TEC Mosenergo" The station supplies electricity in 9 districts of the Central energy district of Yakutia, providing customers with generate power...
Putting into operation SMES system for the building "Detskii Mir"
19.01.2017 |

Putting into operation SMES system for the building "Detskii Mir"

Engineering Center "BASIS" performed the works on SMES* system for "Shopping Center "Detskii Mir": - SMES working docauments development, - supply of the equipment, - construction and erection work, - commissioning works. Customer: OJSC "Lubianka Development". The address of the "Shopping Center "Detskii Mir": Teatralnyi proezd, 5, bld. 1. *SMES...
SMES for Air Separation Installation PL4HN in Toliatti town
19.01.2017 |

SMES for Air Separation Installation PL4HN in Toliatti town

Engineering Center «BASIS» performed the following works on SMES* for the facility «Air Separation Installation PL4HN in Toliatti town»: - delivery of equipment and materials;- construction and erection works;- commissioning works with connection to Integrated Dispatching Center of Toliatti town. Customer: OJSC «Proxair Azot Toliatti». Air Separation Installation PL4HN in...
Power Unit PGU-420Т TPS-20 - subsidiary of PAO «Mosenergo»
19.01.2017 |

Power Unit PGU-420Т TPS-20 - subsidiary of PAO «Mosenergo»

Engineering Center «BASIS» performed the following works on SMES* of the facility Power Unit PGU-420Т TPS-20 - subsidiary of PAO «Mosenergo»: - SMES working documents development; - delivery of equipment and materials; - construction and erection works; - commissioning works. Customer: "TEC Mosenergo" Power Unit PGU-420Т is located in the...
VTB Arena Park
25.02.2015 |

VTB Arena Park

Engineering Center «BASIS» performed the following works on SMES of the facility «VTB Arena Park»: in the sport zone: - SMES Project Documents, по коммерческой зоне: - SMES Project Documents, - SMES Working Documents, - Delivery of equipment, - Construction and erection works Customers: OLSC "Intertechproject", АО "Asteros". «VTB Arena...
Construction of a Power-Generating Unit PGU of 220 tons, at Thermal Power Plant-12
17.12.2014 |

Construction of a Power-Generating Unit PGU of 220 tons, at Thermal Power Plant-12

Engineering Center GOCHS "BASIS" carried out the following works on SMES* of the facility "Power-Generating Unit PGU of 220 tons, at Thermal Power Plant-12": - SMES engineering design and working documents development;- supply of equipment and materials,- construction and installation,- commissioning works. Customer: АО "ТEC Mosenergo". PGU-220T provides a combined...
Construction of a Power-Generating Unit PGU of 420 tons, at Thermal Power Plant-16
17.12.2014 |

Construction of a Power-Generating Unit PGU of 420 tons, at Thermal Power Plant-16

Engineering Center GOCHS "BASIS" carried out the following works on SMES of the facility "ower-Generating Unit PGU of 420 tons, at Thermal Power Plant-16": - SMES engineering design and working documents; - supply of equipment and materials; - construction and erection works; - commissioning works. Customer: АО "TEC Mosenergo" Power-generating...
The Territory of Serov State District Power Station. Сonstruction of Power Generation Unit PGU-420 with Release of the First Starting Complex - Art. No. 9, 10.
11.12.2014 |

The Territory of Serov State District Power Station. Сonstruction of Power Generation Unit PGU-420 with Release of the First Starting Complex - Art. No. 9, 10.

Engineering Center GOChS "BASIS" performed the following works on SMES* of the facility "Serov State District Power Station. Сonstruction of Power Generation Unit PGU-420 with Release of the First Starting Complex - Art. No. 9,10" : - Development of SMES working documents;- Delivery of equipment and materials; - Construction and...