Engineering center

PTK SMES / SMIK for Facilities


PTK SMES / SMIK for Facilities is used for designing automated monitoring systems and natural and man-made emergency management.

PTK SMES / SMIK is meant to:

  • Get real-time reports on incidents, accidents, fires resulting into possible emergencies, from facilities equipped with SMES;
  • Timely notify about appropriate duty and dispatching, operative and dispatching, emergency and rescue, fire, supervisory and other services about receiving reports about accidents, fires, terrorist hazards, malfunction of critically important engineering systems of facilities in accordance with agreements on exchanging information ;
  • Control eliminating incidents, accidents, fires, terrorist hazards, proper functioning of critically important engineering systems at facilities equipped with SMES.

SMES is designed as a part of "List of Civil Defense Activities" section, in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 22.1.12-2005.


PTK SMES / SMIK of the facility includes:

1. Software and hardware complex of data collection and transfer subsystem of the structured system of control and monitoring engineering systems of buildings and facilities includes:

  • Software system of information exchange between the structured system of control and monitoring engineering systems of buildings and facilities of the facility. It is designed for XML-messages transmission to the bodies of daily management and displaying information on the AWS (Automated Workstation) of SMES;
  • Software system of Conjugation Server of the structured system of control and monitoring engineering systems of buildings and facilities of the facility. It is designed to receive signals from systems of engineering and technical support, XML-messages formation and transmitting to SMES Server;
  • Software complex of Automated Workstation of the structured system of control and monitoring engineering systems of buildings and facilities of the facility (Software and hardware complex of SMES AWS of the facility), which includes monitors of real-time monitoring and decision support system. It is designed to visualize and edit information about objects;
  • Sensors for controlling engineering systems of buildings and facilities, programmable controllers.

2. Software and hardware complex of communication and crisis management subsystem includes:

  • Programmable radio repeaters;
  • Antenna-feeder devices (AFD);

3. Software and hardware complex of monitoring engineering (bearing) structures subsystem (PTK SMIK) includes:

  • Software complex of monitoring system of engineering structures server (PC Server SMIK). It is designed to receive and process information about the state and condition of engineering (bearing) structures of the facility,data recording and archiving;
  • Software complex of AWS of monitoring system of engineering structures workstation (PC AWS SMIK). It is designed to visualize and edit information about facilities;
  • Software complex of the Local Server of monitoring system of engineering structures (PC LS SMIK). It is designed to receive and process the data on the state and condition of engineering (bearing) structures of the facility, data transfer SMIK Server;
  • Sensors to monitor changes in the state and condition of engineering (bearing) structures (structural elements) of the facility.



Назначение Оборудование ПТК СМИС/СМИК объекта предназначено: для построения в соответствии с ГОСТ Р 22.1.12-2005г. структурированных систем мониторинга и управления инженерными системами зданий и сооружений (СМИС) объектов атомной энергетики, опасных производственных...


ПК АРМ СМИС Назначение Программный комплекс автоматизированного рабочего места системы мониторинга состояния и предупреждения ЧС на критически важных и потенциально опасных объектах (ПК АРМ СМИС) предназначен для совместного применения с...